A Pro-Life Temecula
Welcome to Temeku Pro-Life, a part of Temecula’s local pro-life scene. We’re on a mission to save Temecula’s unborn because the right to life is for everybody; and our defending of that right is a joyful witness to the beauty and dignity of every human person.
Sidewalk Vigil
Volunteer on the front line! The backbone of the pro-life effort is the many volunteers who stand vigil on the streets.


Changing hearts and minds and bringing souls to Christ is difficult – equip yourself with knowledge and wisdom.
We highly recommend reading Trent Horn’s Persuasive Pro-Life: How to Talk About Our Culture’s Toughest Issue and Shawn Carney’s What to Say When for a depth of know-how on how to talk about abortion.
He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat,
– Battle Hymn of the Republic
He is sifting out the hears of men before His judgement seat;
Helpful Links
40 Days for Life
Birth Choice Inland Empire
Elsinore Valley Pregnancy Resource Center
The Mission Mail
Holy Martyrs of England and Wales Catholic Church
Rachel’s Vineyard
Lamb of God Maternity Home/Angus Dei Foundation